The curriculum represents what students are taught. This is informed by the Australian Curriculum and syllabi set out by the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority, which outline the core knowledge, understanding, skills and general capabilities important for students. The curriculum describes what young people should learn as they progress through schooling and forms the foundation for high quality teaching to meet the needs of students. The curriculum plays a vital role in forming attitudes and skills necessary to become responsible, active and informed citizens of Australia’s future generations.
At Mother of Good Counsel School, implementation of a National Curriculum means the school offers:
- Essential content and achievement standards
- Clear descriptions of the knowledge, understandings and skills students acquire or develop
- Regular reporting of student achievement on a national five point scale.
The Key Learning Areas at MOGC are:
- Religion
- English
- Maths
- Science
- Humanities and Social Sciences
- The Arts (Music, Visual Arts, Dance, Drama, Media)
- Health and Physical Education
- Technology (Digital and Design)
- Languages Other Than English (Japanese)
Parent information sessions are organised at the beginning of each school year, where parents are informed of curriculum requirements pertaining to specific year levels. Classroom teachers facilitate these sessions to assist parents in their understanding of curriculum covered in the various learning areas as well as routines, practices and expectations. Information sessions are an important first step in getting to know classroom teachers and helps build positive and meaningful partnerships between home and school. Attendance at these sessions is highly recommended. Throughout the year, parent information sessions are a regular occurrence in order to keep parents informed of classroom programs and practices as well as meditation sessions to ensure parental wellbeing is being maintained and supported by the school community.
Prep Information Sessions are conducted in Term 4 of the year prior to children commencing Prep. These meetings inform parents of practices and expectations, which assist families to prepare for their child’s first year of school.
Special Offerings
While Mother of Good Counsel School provides learning across the learning areas of Mathematics, English, Religion, Science, Humanities and Social Sciences, Health and Physical Education, The Arts, Languages (Japanese) and Technology; Social and Emotional wellbeing is integral to all learning areas and learning itself.
Social and Emotional Learning is explicitly taught through the Second Step program, which develops 5 Keys to success: Self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills and responsible decision making. This is a whole school community approach, which also includes parent and staff educational programs and opportunities.
Religious Education
Formal religion lessons are conducted regularly. Lessons enable children to develop an understanding of God, the Holy Spirit and the person of Jesus Christ and knowledge of the Catholic Church’s tradition and teaching. The Religious Education Curriculum is divided into key learning areas; Scripture, Beliefs, Celebration and Prayer and Morality.
Students celebrate Eucharist/Liturgy at least once each term as a class, year level or whole school. Families are invited to attend all liturgical celebrations.
Sacramental Program
The sacrament of Reconciliation is made available to students on a regular basis. Year 3-6 students who are baptised in the Catholic Faith are invited to participate in the sacramental program. First Communion and Confirmation programs are coordinated by the parish, along with the Assistant Principal Religious Education (APRE), and managed by parents through a series of meetings. Program information is provided to families in the first term of each year.
Extra-Curricular Activities
Numerous sporting opportunities (including Rugby League, Hockey, Cricket & Touch Football) | Inter-house cross country, athletics and swimming carnivals | Visiting Sporting clinics (basketball, AFL, tennis) |
Duathlon | Instrumental Music Program | School camps and excursions |
Visiting School Performances | School Mentoring Program | Hip Hop Dance Program |
End of Year Christmas Concert | Public Speaking Competitions | Choir |
Justice Squad | Chess Club | Buddies Program |
Years 6 Playground Guardians Program | Book Week Activities | Before school weekly fitness class |
Health & Physical Education
Health and Physical Education at Mother of Good Counsel School promotes the value of physical activity in students’ lives. It provides students with the opportunity to develop the knowledge, understanding, skills, values and attitudes needed to lead healthy, active and fulfilling lives.
The Health and Physical Education (HPE) Learning Area enables students to:
- Participate in regular and varied physical education experiences
- Promote the health of their community and to make informed decisions relating to personal health (including food and nutrition) and safety of self and others, and
- Develop and refine personal and social skills to promote positive interactions, be resilient and manage their own lives.
The Health and Physical Education learning area is set out in two strands: Movement and Physical Activity and Personal, Social and Community Health.
At Mother of Good Counsel School, Physical Education is provided for Prep to Year 6 through a program facilitated by a specialist teacher. Classroom teachers teach the Personal, Social and Community Health component of the learning area. The Australian Curriculum guides teachers in their planning, teaching, assessment and reporting of HPE.